Careers > Computer Programmers
Computer Programmers
$97.8K Median Salary 9.7K Job Openings (Annual Projection) -9.9% Job Growth

About This Career
Create, modify, and test the code and scripts that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software and web developers or other individuals. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.
Reported Job Titles
Analyst Programmer, Application Programmer Analyst, Computer Programmer, Computer Programmer Analyst, Internet Programmer, Java Developer, Programmer, Programmer Analyst, Web Applications Programmer, Web Programmer
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Skills You'll Need
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Written Comprehension
Near Vision
Oral Comprehension
Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
Information Ordering
Problem Sensitivity
Oral Expression
Speech Recognition
Written Expression
Mathematical Reasoning
Number Facility
Selective Attention
Speech Clarity
Flexibility of Closure
Fluency of Ideas
Computers and Electronics
Engineering and Technology
English Language
Customer and Personal Service
Administration and Management
Active Listening
Complex Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Quality Control Analysis
Reading Comprehension
Systems Analysis
Judgment and Decision Making
Active Learning
Operations Analysis
Social Perceptiveness
Systems Evaluation
Time Management
Technology Skills
Development environment software
Presentation software
Object or component oriented development software
Web platform development software
Data base management system software
Operating system software
Data base user interface and query software
Compiler and decompiler software
Enterprise resource planning ERP software
Enterprise application integration software
Program testing software
Configuration management software
Application server software
Analytical or scientific software
Business intelligence and data analysis software
Network monitoring software
Graphics or photo imaging software
Content workflow software
Object oriented data base management software
Graphical user interface development software
Computer aided design CAD software
Data base reporting software
Cloud-based management software
Web page creation and editing software
Geographic information system
Electronic mail software
Enterprise system management software
Document management software
File versioning software
Financial analysis software
Project management software
Spreadsheet software
Metadata management software
Medical software
Accounting software
Access software
Expert system software
Communications server software
Desktop publishing software
Portal server software
Transaction server software
Office suite software
Cloud-based data access and sharing software
Word processing software
Network security and virtual private network VPN equipment software
Transaction security and virus protection software
Human resources software
Backup or archival software
Data mining software
Requirements analysis and system architecture software
Storage networking software
Industrial control software
Process mapping and design software
Mainframe computers
Computer servers
Desktop computers
Serial port cards