Careers > Financial Managers
Financial Managers
$139.79K Median Salary 64.2K Job Openings (Annual Projection) 17.3% Job Growth

About This Career
Plan, direct, or coordinate accounting, investing, banking, insurance, securities, and other financial activities of a branch, office, or department of an establishment.
Reported Job Titles
Accounting Supervisor, Banking Center Manager (BCM), Branch Manager, Business Banking Manager, Credit Administration Manager, Credit Manager, Financial Center Manager, Financial Planning Manager, Financial Reporting Manager, Financial Systems Manager
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Skills You'll Need
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Oral Comprehension
Oral Expression
Written Comprehension
Deductive Reasoning
Speech Clarity
Inductive Reasoning
Problem Sensitivity
Written Expression
Information Ordering
Near Vision
Speech Recognition
Mathematical Reasoning
Number Facility
Fluency of Ideas
Flexibility of Closure
Category Flexibility
Speed of Closure
Customer and Personal Service
Administration and Management
Economics and Accounting
Law and Government
Personnel and Human Resources
Sales and Marketing
English Language
Education and Training
Computers and Electronics
Active Listening
Critical Thinking
Reading Comprehension
Complex Problem Solving
Judgment and Decision Making
Management of Personnel Resources
Service Orientation
Social Perceptiveness
Time Management
Active Learning
Management of Financial Resources
Learning Strategies
Systems Analysis
Systems Evaluation
Technology Skills
Enterprise resource planning ERP software
Presentation software
Data base user interface and query software
Business intelligence and data analysis software
Accounting software
Financial analysis software
Electronic mail software
Human resources software
Spreadsheet software
Development environment software
Customer relationship management CRM software
Analytical or scientific software
Project management software
Medical software
Enterprise system management software
Document management software
Office suite software
Cloud-based data access and sharing software
Operating system software
Word processing software
Data base management system software
Sales and marketing software
Data base reporting software
Object or component oriented development software
Compliance software
Process mapping and design software
Information retrieval or search software
Internet browser software
Personal digital assistant PDAs or organizers
Desktop calculator
Notebook computers
Desktop computers
Personal computers
Tablet computers