Careers > Security Management Specialists

Security Management Specialists

$75.99K Median Salary 104.2K Job Openings (Annual Projection) 8.8% Job Growth


About This Career

Conduct security assessments for organizations, and design security systems and processes. May specialize in areas such as physical security or the safety of employees and facilities.

Reported Job Titles

Physical Security Engineer, Physical Security Specialist, Security Analyst, Security Consultant, Security Specialist

Skills You'll Need

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Technology Skills

Enterprise resource planning ERP software
Presentation software
Network security and virtual private network VPN equipment software
Transaction security and virus protection software
Data base user interface and query software
Development environment software
Operating system software
Spreadsheet software
Risk management data and analysis software
Authentication server software
Electronic mail software
Access software
Graphics or photo imaging software
Document management software
Video conferencing software
Gateway software
Network security or virtual private network VPN management software
Facilities management software
Transaction server software
Office suite software
Cloud-based data access and sharing software
Word processing software
Internet directory services software
Administration software
Business intelligence and data analysis software
Data base reporting software
Internet browser software
Cloud-based protection or security software
Cloud-based management software
Web page creation and editing software
Process mapping and design software


Digital camcorders or video cameras
Security or access control systems
Computer servers
Audioconferencing systems
Videoconferencing systems
Closed circuit television CCTV system
Alarm systems
Card key lock
Magnetometer geophysical instruments
Motion detectors
X ray radiography examination equipment
Network routers
Desktop computers
Personal computers
Tablet computers